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I want you to facilitate the whole energy system

In this section, we look to the future and the need for all parts of the energy system to work together more effectively. We talk about our role in making this happen, the work we’ve already started, and the importance of innovation.

I want you to facilitate the whole energy system of the future – innovating to meet the challenges ahead 

This priority is about how we help the UK achieve net zero target by enabling decarbonisation of heat, transport and industry at the lowest cost to consumers.

We will do this by collaborating to deliver whole energy systems of the future and utilising innovation.

Our definition of the whole energy system includes the interactions and solutions between gas, electricity, transmission and distribution, and it takes account of the impacts of the heat and transport sectors.

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Golden Thread

Golden Threads demonstrate how the voice of our stakeholders is reflected in our business plan outputs. And how our business plan delivers value for consumers.

I want you to facilitate the whole energy system of the future

Business Plan Annexes

Future capacity and balancing system engagement log

Whole Energy System engagement log

GT Innovation RIIO-2 Strategy
This document outlines our vision and strategy for innovation as we approach the challenge of achieving net-zero.

Investment Decision Packs

Investment decision packs set out the technical need case, options assessed and proposed investments.

Gemini Engineering Justification Paper

NTS and NGN capacity interactions

The cost benefit analysis below demonstrates the investment modelling for supporting our decision through various options considered. 


Cost benefits analysis on Gemini 

Our proposal: Market transformation

What our stakeholders have told us: 

Lead the facilitation of industry change within the gas sector


Output type

We will continue to lead the formation of GMaP framework, including a steering group to prioritise a programme of works.


Work with the industry to better understand the detail and impacts of the prioritised work programme and develop plans for potential implementation.


We will continue to comply with our obligation to provide code administration for the gas market subject to the outcome of the Energy Code Review.


We will continue to lead a review of gas transmission access arrangements in Transmission Workgroup 705R, and will develop appropriate modifications as required by that review group.


Consumer benefit

I want you to facilitate delivery of a sustainable energy system” – supporting and delivering market changes and solutions will continue to deliver the future energy system.

Our Proposal: whole energy system collaboration

What our stakeholders have told us

Our commitment

Output type

Take a leading role in driving and delivering the future energy system, including how we can meet net zero targets.We will lead on developing what the options are for gas transmission in relation to the decarbonisation of heat. Commitment
Take a leading role in driving and delivering the future energy system, including how we can meet net zero targets.

We are proposing a reopener relating to net zero to ensure we are able to respond quickly to work towards net zero goals.

Uncertainty mechanism

Trigger: End of year 2, 1% baseline revenue threshold

More information to be found in annex A3.02.
Continue to work more collaboratively with industry and regulators to develop regulatory framework.We will collaborate with GDNs, BEIS and others on an agreed hydrogen workplan.Commitment
Continue to work more collaboratively with industry and regulators to develop a regulatory framework.We will build on the work done through the ENA whole system working group, working across sectors to develop the options and solutions required to achieve net zero. Collaborate with ESO to support BEIS in developing the Clean Heat strategy from a whole system operability perspective. Commitment

Consumer benefit  

“I want an affordable energy bill” – whole system collaboration offers networks the potential to respond to changing needs, reduce consumer costs and deliver a sustainable network.

“I want you to facilitate delivery of a sustainable energy system”– working with other networks, regulators and third parties to determine the future pathways for the energy industry, including decarbonising heat while keeping disruption to a minimum for consumers.

Taking a leading role in decarbonisation of heat for gas transmission could provide a consumer value proposition of £2.2m (for more information on CVP7 please see annex A10.05).

Our proposal: Innovation transformation

What our stakeholders have told us


Output type

Networks should do more to embed innovation business as usual culture.

We will invest in BAU innovation, driving continuous improvement across all our activities


Networks should provide information to policy-makers through innovation projects or horizon-scanning.

Decarbonisation of heat is a priority.

We will collaborate and partner with third parties on wider energy transition innovation projects that will help determine the energy transition options to a net zero future.


Consumer benefit  

“I want an affordable energy bill” – delivering innovative solutions to deliver the energy transition, will minimise consumer bills

Our proposal: System transformation

What our stakeholders have told us


Output type

In relation to Gemini: do the basics well, make our lives easier through greater automation and increased reporting functionality, and minimise the impact of change.

We will invest in our Gemini system as it needs to be refreshed due to lifespan ensuring it continues to function and also deliver the enhancements our stakeholders want.



Through RIIO-2 we need to ensure they can facilitate the industry change that stakeholders require, which will be at heart of the energy transition

Our IT systems play a central role in how the gas market operates. We will invest in IT systems that support our delivery of market change.


Consumer benefit: 

“I want to use energy as and when I want” – investing in the digital systems so the gas market and industry is able to continue providing energy to consumers.

Hands on table working on National Grid Gas RIIO-2 business plan

How you shaped our business plan

Here you can find information about how we consulted with our stakeholders on our business plan.

This includes webinars, reports and consultation documents and blogs supporting our business planning activities.

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