We work hard to ensure National Gas has a sustainable impact on society by promoting the wellbeing of our people, and adding value to our communities and wider society.

Acting with a social conscience
National Gas has developed a robust strategy and action plan to ensure our business creates social value. Through our activities and a wide variety of projects and initiatives, we support the wellbeing of our people and add value to the communities where we operate.
Through continuous fundraising efforts, employee volunteering, community project support and educational outreach, we ensure that the impacts we have on society are sustainable, worthwhile and targeted to address pressing social issues.
Our social impact targets
We have set challenging targets for our social impact programme, which are measured and reported at board level. These targets fall into five focus areas:
- Charitable giving: corporate and local charity partnerships, matched giving, employee fundraising
- Community engagement: community-led grant scheme, project funding, employee volunteering
- Future skills & education: primary & secondary school and college outreach, public education
- Employee health & wellbeing: learning and development, diversity, equity & inclusion, employee satisfaction, worker safety.
- Customer engagement & protection: customer satisfaction, quality assurance.
In addition, in areas where we are carrying out major infrastructure work, we assign 0.3% of the overall project funding to deliver community-led improvement schemes.
Volunteering: putting our skills to good use
Our colleagues also volunteer to provide direct support to local communities through a range of activities. As well as supporting local good causes, we work with our charity and community partners to identify opportunities for our people to add value by volunteering their time and skills.
Through our loneliness initiative, we are proactively tackling loneliness in the communities where National Gas operates. We are increasing employee volunteering and engagement within local communities, raising awareness of loneliness, providing technology for people who are digitally isolated, and upskilling our employees to identity and tackle loneliness at work and in their personal networks. We are both working with established national and local charities to build on existing initiatives and supporting local communities in delivering new activities to build connections and tackle loneliness.