Emergency Contacts

Find out who to call if you smell gas or suspect there is a gas emergency.
While National Gas is responsible for the gas National Transmission System, these emergency guidelines apply to all gas users.
Smell gas or suspect a leak?
Call 0800 111 999 *
(24 hours a day – free to call).
To report a gas or carbon monoxide emergency, or if a pipeline is struck (even if no gas leak has occurred) call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999
If you're a British Sign Language (BSL) user, you can use SignLive to contact the National Gas Emergency Service free of charge.
For more information on communication support for people with hearing or speech difficulties, please visit Relay UK - homepage | Relay UK
*All calls are recorded and may be monitored
Have you hit a gas pipe?
If you or your builders have hit a gas pipe, call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999 – day or night.
Is it safe to dig
Dial before you dig
Find out if it's safe to dig before you start works. Contact Linesearch to find out where National Gas assets are buried and report any planned works in Great Britain.
Gas safety advice
If you smell gas, call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.
In the event of an emergency
- Do not smoke or light matches.
- Do not turn electrical switches on or off.
- Open doors and windows.
- Turn off the meter at the control handle unless the meter is in the cellar.
- Call the National Gas Emergency number (0800 111 999).
General safety advice
- Get your gas appliances checked annually by a Gas Safe-registered engineer.
- Always check IDs before allowing anyone into your home.
Gas safety in rented properties
- Speak to your landlord about making sure the boiler is serviced annually.
- Ask for a copy of the safety certificate to be sure.
Signs of a faulty boiler
- Soot around the appliance.
- A yellow or orange weak flame instead of blue flame.
- A pilot light that blows out easily.
Carbon monoxide advice
Carbon monoxide poisoning can be fatal, but many people are not aware of the warning signs.
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include:
- Nausea
- Light-headedness
- Headaches
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness
- Sleepiness
If your carbon monoxide alarm sounds or you suspect a leak:
- Stop using all appliances, switch them off, open doors and windows to ventilate the property.
- Evacuate the property immediately; stay calm and avoid raising your heart rate.
- Call the Gas Emergency number on 0800 111 999 to report the incident, or the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Gas Safety Advice Line on 0800 300 363
- Don't go back into the property; wait for advice from the emergency services.
- Seek immediate medical help – you may not realise you’ve been affected by the carbon monoxide. Going outside into fresh air won't treat any exposure by itself.
Find out more about carbon monoxide poisoning on the NHS Choices website