Our network and assets
Working near our assets
Find out how to work safely and compliantly if you’re carrying out any construction or excavation activities near to National Gas pipelines or other gas transmission assets.
Are you planning any work near to gas pipelines?
If you are planning any construction or excavation work near to a gas pipeline or other gas transmission assets, it’s essential that you follow our guidelines to ensure your safety and avoid damaging essential gas infrastructure.
To find out if your proposed works are likely to impact any gas pipelines or other utility assets, please use the LinesearchBeforeUDig website. You can raise an enquiry by entering the location of your project, using a grid reference, postcode or street name. The website will search the assets of more than 70 different utility companies, and provide an automated response within minutes telling you which network operators are affected by your proposal.
If the proposal affects National Gas Transmission, you’ll receive a separate automated response from us with an asset map and links to safety advice. We will then contact you in due course if we require more information about your proposal.

We’re here to help you work safely
If you’d like to contact us directly to discuss any proposed work near our assets, please get in touch with our Asset Protection team at [email protected] or call 0800 970 7000. We’ll be happy to discuss your plans and provide guidance to ensure you can work safely near our assets.
Guidance for farmers and landowners
If you are a farmer, landowner or are working on the land, you can find out more about working around our network equipment by downloading the Dial Before You Dig guide.
Helpful guidance and documents
Take a look at the range of guidance and advice available to help you work safely and compliantly around gas pipelines and transmission assets.
- Safe working in the vicinity of National Gas high-pressure pipelines
- Dial Before You Dig leaflet – seven steps to stay safe
- Tree Planting Guidance – rules for planting near pipelines
- UKOPA GP/014 Requirements for the Siting and Installation of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Installations in the Vicinity ofBuried Pipelines UKOPA Good Practice Guide
- UKOPA GPG/031 D.C. Interference Guidelines Microsoft Word - UKOPA GPG 031 DC Interference Ed 1.docx
- UKOPA GPG/027 A.C. Interference Guidelines UKOPA Good Practice Guide
- UKOPA GPG/042 Guidance on the issues to be considered by Promoters, Designers and Planners of new developments in the vicinity of high pressure pipelines Good Practice Guide (ukopa.co.uk)
- HSG47
- HSE: Land use planning - HSE's land use planning methodology