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June 2024

Gas Winter Outlook and Winter Review publications

Gas Winter Outlook

Gas Winter Outlook, Review and Consultation

The Gas Winter Outlook, Review and Consultation reports are designed to inform the gas industry of our view of security of supply for the gas system for the winter ahead, to review the previous winter and compare this to what was said in our forecasts.

Gas Winter Review & Consultation 2024

Welcome to this years Gas Winter Review & Consultation.

The mild winter last year meant day-to-day demand across Britain was relatively low but the cold snap in December brought an increased reliance on gas, as it coincided with a period of still weather. This increased the need for gas-fired power generation and, on some days, 61% of the electricity needed was generated by gas.

When looking at total National Transmission System (NTS) demand as a whole we saw a significant reduction in winter 2023/24 demand this was primarily due to lower gas exports to continental Europe, which are now approaching more normalised levels.

Supplies in winter 2023/24 were diverse,  with UKCS & Norway providing the steady supplies we would usually expect. Flexible supplies came predominantly from Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and GB gas storage; imports from Continental Europe also provided some supply when it was needed.

Download the Gas Winter Review and Consultation 2024
