Gas Quality Focus Area

The Gas Quality Focus Area will consider how market rules may need to evolve to accommodate more diverse, low-carbon gases into the GB gas system.

GMaP Gas Quality ‘Implementing the Proposed Gas Quality Standards’ Project

This first Gas Market Plan (GMaP) gas quality project looked at how the market rules for changing gas quality limits at system entry points could be improved, with a lens on future change over the next decade. The project’s final report recommends and commits to delivering tangible improvements to the regime in the short term, alongside longer-term actions to be undertaken after a trigger event.

To meet the objective of delivering additional low-carbon gases to UK consumers, GS(M)R will need to change and evolve. However changing GS(M)R does not automatically mean those changes can be immediately accessed. It's vital for industry to have clarity on how changes to gas quality ranges can be accessed in an efficient manner, taking into consideration operational, commercial and end-user impacts.

The project was supported by an expert working group, made up of 11 different industry parties from upstream, mid-stream and downstream and government. The working group provided direction and support and has been instrumental in providing a broad range of stakeholder views.

GMaP and ENA: Britain’s hydrogen blending delivery plan

The United Kingdom government has set out ambitious, legally binding obligations to reach net zero by 2050. If this target is to be met, it will require wide-ranging industry collaboration and a mosaic of innovative solutions to deliver the carbon reduction required. Low-carbon gases, such as biomethane and hydrogen, are expected to play a vital role in transitioning to a low-carbon future.

Recent policy documents have begun to define the role of hydrogen and, in particular, how blending hydrogen with natural gas in the existing gas infrastructure can support the transition to a net zero future. The project has created two timelines to map out how the existing gas market frameworks could be changed to enable blending. For the purposes of this project, the gas market frameworks have been broken down into five market pillars. The market pillars are: primary legislation; regulation; licence; code; and, safety change.