
These pages contain information about the charges that users of the gas National Transmission System (NTS) have to pay and how they are calculated.

Gas Transportation Transmission Planning Code (TPC)

The Transmission Planning Code describes our approach to planning and developing the NTS in accordance with our duties as a gas transporter and other statutory obligations relating to safety and environmental matters. Statements are prepared in accordance with the obligations placed on the Company by Special Condition 9.11 of our Gas Transporters Licence in respect of the NTS. This licence condition requires us to prepare and consult on a Transmission Planning Code, and comply with the Code in the planning and development of the NTS.


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Questions about domestic connections

We do not charge or supply domestic consumers directly. If you have questions about your household bills, domestic meter, or related issues please contact your network operator. You can find out who your operator is by entering your post code on the Energy Networks website.

Go to the Energy Networks website

Gas query directory

To help you efficiently find the right person to talk to in relation to specific National Transmission System operational gas queries, we have developed the following a contact list and directory. We have based it on the most common queries we receive from our customers. Its purpose is to make finding the right subject matter expert within National Gas, quicker and easier than ever before.

Please note that if your query relates to a home or domestic gas connection or meter exchange, please contact your network operator. You can find who your network operator is on the Energy Networks Association website.  

Download the directory