Emergency Response Service
Novel corrosion repair

The Emergency
When serious corrosion was identified on a pipeline, it was excavated immediately. National Gas Services were called to advise on repair methods and recommended an epoxy sleeve. However, the customer could only reduce pressure by 15%. Any further reduction would risk interrupting gas supplies to thousands of customers. Regulation P11 states that pressure must be reduced by 30% to conduct the repair and fit an epoxy sleeve.
The Solution
National Gas Services advised that there had been deviations from the P11 pressure requirements in certain exceptional circumstances. We used in-house pipeline expertise and prepared a report containing the pipeline information, along with detailed calculations. A concession was provided for the pipeline to be repaired with just a 15% reduction in pressure. Following the concession, we mobilised quickly and fitted the sleeve, retaining the integrity of the pipeline.

Customer Feedback
“From the initial call to NGS to the completion of the works, we were provided with a first-class service. After agreement was reached on the repair techniques to be used, NGS staff mobilised to site. All NGS employees who attended the site or supported this repair did so in a very professional manner with the highest regard for safety and the integrity of our pipeline.”