Case Study
New gas supply at large chemical site to feed an energy centre

Our Gas connections and infrastructure team have recently completed a complex project at a large chemical and fuel treatment site.
The customer is a large chemical and fuel treatment manufacturing process plant with strict site rules due to being classed as a COMAH site.
The Design & Project Management team worked in depth with the customer to provide a scope of works for a completely new gas supply which was required to feed a new Energy Centre being constructed on the site.
Works entailed a new medium pressure gas connection and service which would feed a large new National Gas meter module. The team installed 30m of 250mm PE MP service & 100m of new 250mm PE outlet pipework with a termination valve inside the new Energy Centre site boundary.

Working with our service partner to install the new gas infrastructure pipework to the site completing the NRO documentation required for the new gas connection to the 8-inch steel MP parent main. We needed to follow detailed site specifications for the installation and testing of the outlet pipework to conform with the internal permit requirements to allow the adoption of the works. The team took the extra time needed to adhere to the strict site rules and permit system as specified by the customer.
The team used a 250mm by 8-inch Encirclement Tee which was bolted to the 8-inch steel parent main, a 250mm gate valve was installed on to the tee to which the drill rig then connected to make the cut-out token allowing the gas to flow to the new service. This is all completed without a release of gas. The team made a large, stepped excavation for extra safety and ease of access and egress to the connection works area as the photographs show.