Our RIIO-2 re-opener applications (2021-2026)
We've submitted applications for the following re-openers. More detail on re-openers can be found on the Ofgem website. This includes a list of all RIIO-2 re-openers in Appendix 1.
These re-openers are published in their entirety, with redactions having been made where appropriate, on the grounds of confidentiality, commercial sensitivity or security.
Please select the application you wish to view from the drop down list of options in the box below.
Our RIIO-2 re-opener applications (2021-2026)
We've submitted applications for the following re-openers. More detail on re-openers can be found on the Ofgem website. This includes a list of all RIIO-2 re-openers in Appendix 1.
These re-openers are published in their entirety, with redactions having been made where appropriate, on the grounds of confidentiality, commercial sensitivity or security.
Please select the application you wish to view from the drop down list of options in the box below.
Bacton Terminal Site Redevelopment FOSR Submission
Asset Health Re-opener January 2024
Asset Health Re-opener, June 2023
Project Union
Wormington compressor emissions FOSR submission
Kings Lynn subsidence re-opener application
Methane reduction emissions campaign
Non-operational IT Capex Re-opener Submission
St Fergus Compressor Emissions FOSR Submission
Asset Health Re-opener submission
King’s Lynn compressor emissions FOSR submission
Peterborough & Huntingdon compressor emissions FOSR submission
Western Gas Network Project funded incremental obligated capacity re-opener application
Visit our Western Gas Network Project webpage, where you'll find all the relevant documents under the 'project documents' drop-down.
Western Gas Network Project funded incremental obligated capacity re-opener application
Visit our Western Gas Network Project webpage, where you'll find all the relevant documents under the 'project documents' drop-down.